Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Emotional in Early Childhood Discussion

Emotional in Early Childhood Discussion

Q Watch the following video and discuss at least 2 main points that you find interesting or uncomfortable. Also answer the following question: How would you promote healthy self-esteem in your classroom and why? Consider those who may live a different lifestyle or who engage in living a way that goes against your personal values.

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Two things that stood out to me one was that instead of punishing a child they explained a better way of handling that situation. The second one would be that they had a safe place to go instead of being called a time out and the child would be able to go there knowing that they would not get in trouble and be able to calm down. I do not agree with the bribing and putting fear and threatening a kid because then the child would feel like they are not able to express there feelings.